Financial Services Union Denmark (FSU-DK) is organised in both a central way with a head office in Copenhagen and locally in so-called 'kredse', which are company branches or finance branches representing Finansforbundet locally. After the shop steward the local branch is normally your first point of contact with Finansforbundet.
Finansforbundet has a total of nine branches (kredse) – six company branches and three finance branches. In companies with more than 1.200 members we establish a company branch, and members of smaller companies belong to the geographical finance branches.
The branches can conclude local collective agreements within the framework of the standard collective agreement for the entire sector.
Disputes concerning interpretation of a collective agreement must initially be dealt with locally at the workplace and within the company branch. Finansforbundet will only interfere or be called upon, if the matter is of principle nature or a local solution cannot be found. However, any member can always choose to contact Finansforbundet directly.
Finansforbundet consists of the following branches: